I know many of you are closet Black Mambas fans!! Venu Kolluru can't wear a Black Mamba Jersey, but he wishes he can wear the Limited Edition Black Mambas Baby T!! Actually...Venu you can wear one. Wear it to MNF!! LOL! I'm here to tell all of the closet Black Mamba fans to step out of the closet! We have made you proud! The Black Mambas are Fall 2008 Division Champions!! Join us in the celebration Monday Night @ Irish Rogue!!

"Now that's a reason to eat fries with BBQ sauce!" - Ovid Lopez
"Larry, I almost twisted my ankle washing the dishes! That's awesome!" - Chand Paritala
"L-Jizzle, I think it's about time I came to the Rogue! 30 Blocks! 30 Blocks son!!" - Jeff Smith
"I've been crying all week!! I can't wait to hug you guys! I honestly believe my email was the motivation you guys needed." - Vic Villanueva
"Congratulations Black Mambas!! I'll have to bring MNK (Monday Night Karaoke) to MNF and sing for you at the Irish Rogue!" - Cynthia Bacani
"What a week! VaTech wins the ACC Title in Football and the Black Mambas win the Division Championship! Is it time for Flip Cup?!?!" - Rachel Foster
"Larry, can I make it through customs with a Black Mambas Baby T?" - Sarah Dobbie
"So does that mean we will be a good Dodgeball team?!?" - Ester Choi
For those of you who will be playing Dodgeball with us this coming January, expect the same fan fare! There is such a following!!
Now back to business.....Monday's football game is between Tampa Bay and Carolina. I'd like to see if David Griffin and David Barlow are Florida fans. WIll they be cheering for the Bucs?
Tonight's Agenda
+ Celebrate the Black Mambas Championship season!!
+ Trophy ceremony for Lazar Kesic! He returns after a 2 week vacation!
+ Shanna Glasrud and Stephanie Medrano demand we upgrade to table toppers! "Pitchers are so college!"
+ Although it's never encouraged, listen to people talk about work! You know who you are who do that! It's time to talk about something else besides work!!!
+ If your playing Dodgeball in the winter with us, here is your chance to meet your fellow teammates!
+ Nate Stumpf will explain to us where he was at during the finals last week.
+ Vic Villanueva was in Europe all of November. He learned to speak French, he will be ordering his wings in Francais!
+ As always, hang out and meet new people!
Where: The Irish Rogue - 356 W 44th St
On 44th between 8th and 9th, but closer to 9th.
When: Anytime after work. The football game starts at 8:30pm EST. People will be there before the game though. I'll probably be there around 8pm. Call me if you get there and don't see anyone.
Do you want to stay up to date with the latest events? Google Calendar!!
If you use gmail, we have a google calendar with the events that will be happening in the coming weeks. In addition, all basketball and dodgeball schedules will be posted to this calendar. If you have never used google calendar before it is an excellent online calendar that you can check anytime you connect to the internet! A small group of you were a part of the seed team to test its feasibility. The results from the seed team have indicated that it is an approved form of event communication! Let me know if your interested. I'll add you to the list of people who can see the calendar!
Black Mambas basketball Tuesday!!
There is no rest for the champions. The Black Mambas play their first game of the Winter '09 season on Tuesday at Hunter College.
Happy Hour Wednesday!!
There is indication that we will be having Happy Hour on Wednesday! I'll send out details later int he week.
See you there!